Python in data analytics

Python is a set of commands or instructions that is fed to a computer in the form of a program in order to execute a particular command. It is a Programming language with characteristics like being interpreted, object-oriented and also high-level. It could easily be seen that it is a very suitable language for beginners to start to learn how to program. The idea behind the creation of it is that it should be easier for developers to read and make it more understandable and also reduce the lines of code. Python is said to be a ‘batteries included’ language due to its wide range of useful utilities provided by the extensive standard library.

Python in data analytics

Python gives you a whole new perspective on data and how data can be exploited and presented; from numbers on a screen to a story waiting to be told—data becomes a real story.

Analytics Shiksha

Python is a multi-paradigm programming language with first-class functions that supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.

Now, how do Python interact with data analysis? We will be examining the question of why this versatile programming language should be picked and recommended as one of the most viable ones for any current or future data analyst out there. After you are through you will be in a better position to understand why Python should be the language to use in Data Analysis.


Table of Contents

What is Python

Features of Python

What is the role of Python in Data Analytics?

Learn Python with Analytics Shiksha Conclusion


What is Python?

Python is a set of commands or instructions that is fed to a computer in the form of a program in order to execute a particular command. It is a Programming language with characteristics like being interpreted, object-oriented and also high-level. It could easily be seen that it is a very suitable language for beginners to start to learn how to program. The idea behind the creation of it is that it should be easier for developers to read and make it more understandable and also reduce the lines of code. Python is said to be a ‘batteries included’ language due to its wide range of useful utilities provided by the extensive standard library.

Features of Python

There are number of features that make Python a popular and powerful language, especially in data analytics:

Ease of learning and use:

It is readable and has a simple syntax that is easy to learn even for the beginner. Such syntax facilitates use of easy-to-understand programs for both large and small projects.

Dynamic Typing

Python is dynamically typed meaning type-checking is conducted during run time. This feature will increase the overall flexibility of Python as a language and makes it easier to work with.

High-Level Language

While writing programs in python you do not have to deal with details such as handling the memory allocated to a program.

Extensive Libraries

Python has a rich standard library that presents modules and packages for a spectrum of tasks. This includes libraries for strings, web services, OS Interface and protocols. It also has many other well-developed advanced libraries (NumPy, Pandas, PyTorch, and so on) that can be applied for data manipulation, statistical analysis, and machine learning.

Interpreted Language
Python is an interpreted language and it, therefore, uses a sequential processing method. This makes it useful for debugging as well as rapid application development.



Python has the capability to support OOP where it allows for classes, inheritance, and encapsulation to be created. This ensures that the development of the software is fragmented in a manner that allows efficient organization of the code.

Extensible and Embeddable

One of the things that can be said about Python is that it can be extended to other languages. This means that you can code some of your Python with languages such as C or C++.


What is the role of Python in Data Analytics?

Python plays an important role in data analytics, facilitating numerous stages of data processing workflow. Let’s take a look at what roles does python have in Data Analytics:

Data Collection

Data access from different data sources such as web services, databases, and flat files.

Data Cleaning and Preparation

Such data cleaning tools as Pandas for cleaning, transforming, and structuring into a usable format data set.

Data Exploration:

Conducting exploratory data analysis (EDA) to comprehend the patterns underlying the data with the help of statistical measures and graphs.

Data Visualization:

Having a broad range of advanced graphical libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly for the creation of insights charts and plots.

Statistical Analysis:

Facilitating more in-depth computations, such as statistical computations and hypothesis testing with libraries like SciPy and StatsModels.

Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics:

Creating and implementing the techniques for making predictions with help of libraries, which are scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.

Automation of Analytical Processes:

Automating processing sequences and data flows, which eliminate the possibility of the error and shorten the amount of the time spent by employees.

Integration with Big Data Technologies:

Working with big data and undertaking analysis using compatible frameworks such as Apache Spark (PySpark) and Dask.

Flexibility and Scalability:

Python is capable of handling the small scale and large-scale data analysis and processing with equal ease.


Learn Python with Analytics Shiksha:

Analytics Shiksha has an extensive course which prepares you as a data analyst, and one of the significant aspects is mastering Python. As part of the Data Analytics course at Analytics Shiksha, you learn Python that prepares you for professional coding experiences in this language. There are also separate classes for those who are interested in solely learning the language and that is python. We have an entire module dedicated to learning Python and we provide the students with an enhanced understanding of the language and its uses. Be it data analytics as a career option or mastering Python, Analytics Shiksha has the perfect tools as well as the professional advice to guide you through.


In conclusion, Python is a powerful and versatile language that is easy to learn, has rich library sets and hence plays a crucial role in data analytics. It is capable of processing and analyzing large data sets within short spans of time, not to mention the fact that it boasts of highly effective visualization features; it is therefore the go-to language for data professionals. With the help of countless examples and practical sessions, Analytics Shiksha’s curriculum helps learners in understanding how Python is a core language for data analytics. Regardless of whether Python training is delivered as a part of our entire course in comprehensive data analytics or as a stand-alone module, we ensure that you will gain the skills needed to excel in your career.
