Top Python Interview Questions and Answers for Success

Hey, are you ready for your next Python interview? Well, We all believe that we are, until we find ourselves in front of the interviewers and they start asking fundamental Python interview questions that catch us off guard. Although we cannot predict what Python coding interview questions interviewers will ask, we can avoid interview embarrassment by being prepared with subject knowledge and doing some research on the most common Python interview questions and answers. To build a solid foundation in the Python language, you can simply enroll in our best Python courses. But for insights into the most frequently asked Python interview questions for freshers and experienced, we invite you to spend just a few minutes reading this blog, where you will discover the essential Python interview questions and answers that are often asked in Python interviews. Let us begin.

Python Questions You Should Know Before You Go for an Interview

Here are 5 Python basic interview questions and answers that you can start with. 

1. What are the benefits of using Python language as a tool in the present scenario?

Python is easy to learn, works on almost everything, and has a huge community. Perfectly fitted for data science, web development, automation, and even AI.  

2. Explain the difference between lists and tuples.

Both lists and tuples can store multiple items, but they are not similar. Lists are flexible options that allow you to add, remove, or change items at any time. Tuples, on the other hand, are like sealed envelopes—they cannot be changed once created. If you need something permanent, Tuple is your best option. 

3. What are the common built-in data types in Python?

Python has several built-in data types that will make your life easier. For example, there is int for whole numbers, float for decimals, and str for text. If you want to store a large number of items, use a List, Tuple, or Set. Also for key-value pairs, use Dict.

4. Explain the difference between a shallow and a deep copy.

A shallow copy and a deep copy are two ways of copying objects in programming, but they handle nested objects differently. For example, a shallow copy makes a new object, but it does not copy the inner (nested) objects. Instead, it just points to them. So, if you change something inside the nested object, the original will also change. A deep copy, on the other hand, makes a completely new copy of everything, including the nested objects. 

5. Is Indentation Required in Python?

Yes, indentation is a big deal in Python. It’s like the way you organize paragraphs in a story. Instead of using braces {} like some other languages, Python uses spaces or tabs to show where a block of code starts and ends. Python becomes confused and throws an error when proper indentation is not followed.

Python Data Science Interview Questions

Here are 5 Python Data Science Python interview questions for experience that can make your job ready. 

1. What is Pandas, and why is it used?

Pandas is a super helpful Python library used for working with data. It lets you handle large datasets easily by offering tools to clean, analyze, and manipulate data in rows and columns, just like in Excel. You can use Pandas for reading data from files like CSVs, combining datasets, and even performing calculations on data quickly.

2. How do you handle missing data in a dataset?

Missing data can mess up your analysis, so fixing it is important. In Python, you can use Pandas to either remove rows/columns with missing values (dropna()) or fill them in with something meaningful like the column’s average value (fillna(mean)), zeros, or even the previous value in the column. The approach depends on how critical the missing data is.

3. What’s the difference between a list and a NumPy array?

Lists are Python's way of storing a collection of items, and they’re pretty flexible—you can put anything in them. But NumPy arrays are like a super-efficient list just for numbers, and they let you do the math on the whole array at once. For example, multiplying every item in a NumPy array by 2 is super fast, while doing it for a list takes more time.

4. What is the purpose of Panda's groupby() function?

Groupby() is a useful Pandas function that divides a dataset into groups based on one or more columns and then computes for each group. So, if you have sales data, you can use the groupby() function to calculate total sales by product or region. It's similar to generating and analyzing smaller data sets from a larger dataset.

5. What are some common Python libraries used for Data Visualization?

For making data look good in graphs or charts, the most popular libraries are Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly. Matplotlib is like your base tool for creating any kind of chart. Seaborn makes beautiful statistical graphs with simpler syntax, and Plotly is awesome for interactive, zoomable charts that you can share online.

Python Technical Interview Questions

Here are some technical Python interview questions that you should be well-versed in to leave a strong impression on interviewer.

1. What are Python's data types?

There are various data types that can be used in Python. Here are some examples, integers (whole numbers), floats (decimals), strings (text; sequence of characters), lists (a sequence with multiple elements), tuples (like lists but immutable) dictionaries type (objects stores data in key-value pairs like your phonebook), and sets (a collection of unique items). This is important to know as these are used for storing and processing the information in your program.

2. How does Python handle memory management?

Python uses a mechanism known as garbage collection to automatically manage memory. To free up memory, it records the variables you create and removes those you aren't using.

3. What are Python functions, and how do you create one?

A function in Python is like a reusable recipe. You write it once and use it whenever needed. To create a function, you use the def keyword. For example:

def greet(name):

    return f"Hello, {name}!"

This function takes a name as input and returns a greeting. Functions help make your code cleaner and avoid repetition.

4. What is the difference between is and ==?

== checks if two things have the same value, while is checks if they are the same object in memory.

5. What is the difference between Python 2 and Python 3?

Python 3 is the newer version and most people use it now. It fixed many problems from Python 2 such as better handling of Unicode (text in various languages). Python 2 no longer has official support, so it's best to use Python 3 for any new projects you start.


Boost your confidence by preparing for common Python interview questions. Showcase your skills, quick thinking, and problem-solving attitude. Keep practicing, stay curious, and grab your seat now—only 30 spots left.

If you’re looking for a program that will help you become a Python master, look no further than Analytics Shiksha. With this Super30 data Analytics course, you will have access to the best whether it’s data analysis training or job preparation. So hurry and book your seat today, as there are only 30 slots available.  


What are the five primary applications of Python?

The 5 primary uses of Python are web development, data analytics (with courses online), game development, automation, and machine learning.

In Python, how are arguments passed as values or references?

It totally depends on the object you pass in the function. If the object is immutable it is pass by value and if it is mutable it shows pass by reference. 

How does Python's memory model operate, and what are reference counting and garbage collection?

Python tracks memory usage with reference counting, a crucial concept for data analyst skills in understanding memory management. When something is no longer needed, garbage collection automatically frees up space, ensuring efficient memory use, which is essential for optimizing performance in data analysis tasks.

What are Python generators, and what separates them from regular functions in the data analyst syllabus?

Generators use yield to return a value and remember where they left off. Unlike regular functions, they don’t store everything in memory at once.
